Monday, March 2, 2009


Dear short people on stilts,
I realize that your jealousy knows no bounds, but really traveling in a pack and wearing wolf fur jackets just to try and seem dangerous? Are you some kind of short Scandinavian lycan-worshipping gang?
And tell your women to take off those overalls. Everyone knows that normal tall and handsome people only wear those during Octoberfest! Even if it were Octoberfest I would still be pissed because I would have almost spilled my beer due to your spectacle.
Short people on stilts trying to join the world of the tall and handsome is like me trying to fit in on an island of midgets by sewing my shoes to my knees and walking around like Dorf on Golf- it's just silly and it hurts.

People on stilts are not as tall and handsome as they seem. How can you tell them from normal tall and handsomes? Typically they walk like they have permanent arthritis in their knees. They also have an aversion to termites as their legs are often made of wood although, what with advancements in stilt technology, this is not as common as it once was.
Shorts on stilts are frauds! They must be exposed!!!!!

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